The main focus of the fourth grade school year is Science.

The students are tested on the science standards and not social studies.

If time is available, we will offer projects in Social Studies.

The reading teacher will be bringing in Social Studies standards within her curriculum and instructi
Students the debates are underway!

Make sure to watch these moments in history because its very important.

The first debate was Wednesday October 3rd from 6-7:30pm.

The second debate will be on Thursday October 11th!

The third one will be October 16th, and the last one will be October 22nd!

If you watch them, please leave a comment for extra credit!!

Use the following sentence stem!

After watching the Presidential debate, I feel that..................

Example: After watching the Presidential debate I feel that Romney did a good job arguing for the government's policies on the recession and bringing our economy back from decline.

This week we started to discuss the War Memorials of the United States of America. We are focusing on 9 memorials:

1. Korean War Memorial
2. Vietnam War Memorial
3. WWII Memorial
4. USS Arizona Memorial
5. Pear Harbor Memorial
6. Liberty Memorial
7. National Memorial Arch
8. Arlington War Cemetery
9. National D-Day Memorial.

The students are participating in the Social Studies Weekly Five Stations to complete activities to learn more about these War Memorials.

Students, please tell me One thing that you were surprised about on ONE of the War Memorials

Sentence Starter: One thing that surprised me about _________________ was.....

For Example: One thing that surprised me about the Pearl Harbor Memorial was learning about the attack and the 8 of the United States battleships were damaged.

This week we have been looking at the following Arizona Symbols: :
1. State Bird
2. State amphibian
3. State repitle
4. State Fish
5. State Mammal
6. State Butterfly
7. State Flower
8. State Gemstone
9. State Flag
10. State Seal
11. State Anthem
12. State Tree
13. State Nickname

Please tell me one thing you learned about Arizona that you did not know.
So use the following sentence stem/starter:

One thing I learned about Arizona that I did not already know is.....

For example: One thing I learned about Arizona that I did not already know is that we have a state butterfly called the Two Tailed Swallowtail. It is yellow in color with black stripes and each wing has four parallel stripes. It's pretty!

Our First Week of Social Studies is over. We learned so much about the National Symbols of the United States of America.

I hope you had fun completing the Social Studies Weekly Five Stations.

The Mount Rushmore's turned out great!
I also loved how well some of you completed your Tree Map at Station 3.

Make sure to keep your Social Studies Notebook organized; focus on the table of contents, your headings (title, date, and number). It is very important to use your notebook correctly or you won't earn all of your points!

Please post using this sentence starter: One thing I really liked about our first week in Social Studies was.......

For example:

One thing I really liked about our first week in Social Studies was completing the Mount Rushmore craft and learning about the secret passage behind the President's faces!

Today we discussed a few National Symbols of the United States of America:
1. Washington Monument
2. White House
3. Mount Rushmore
4. Lincoln Memorial
5. Bald Eagle
6. American Flag
7. Statue of Liberty
8. Liberty Bell
9. Plymouth Rock
10. U.S. Constitution

I want you to tell me one interesting fact that you learned today and for this week. Please use the following sentence starter:

One interesting fact I learned about a National Mounument is....

Example: One interesting fact I learned about a National Monument is that the Bald Eagle represents freedom and its wingspan is over 8 feet!! (that's taller than Mr. Nigh!!)

Remember, you cannot use my sentence starter!!!!

First Social Studies Posting!

Please tell me one thing you are excited about learning in Social Studies regarding the United States of America!

Use this sentence stem: 

One thing that I am looking forward to learning about the United States is...

Welcome World Travelers! This is where you will be participating in classroom discussions regarding our Social Studies Units.

You will be answering questions and posting comments about the lessons we discuss in the classroom.

Make sure to participate!