My fourth grade students have been working all last week planning for their science fair experiments!
We started on Monday with choosing our topics and creating our "questions" for our science fair experiment. On Tuesday we wrote out on Hypothesis and both our Question and Hypothesis had to get approval from me and a parent signature. Then on Wednesday we came up with our Research and our Materials list, and these also had to get teacher and parent approval. By Thursday and Friday we were writing out the steps for our science fair project and creating our graph for data collection. Over the weekend the students had to start practicing their experiments and buying our "Tri-Fold" folders to bring in this week. Our students have testing Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday; so the only days they have to work on their tri-fold sicence board will be today (Monday) and tomorrow (Tuesday.) Then next week we are going to do run-through's and practice presenting our science fair projects before our Science Fair which will be Wednesday October 10th right before parent teacher conferences. I will be posting pictures today of the students working on their science boards!
student with his "shimmering soap bubble" experiment he completed over the weekend!
close up of his project
10/1/2012 01:23:25 pm

miss carlton about the data graph what should i do on it i did not did it right

Ms. Carlton
10/2/2012 02:31:38 am

Hopefully i answered your question in class today. Your graph is set up correctly you just need to change the data you included in it.

10/2/2012 11:24:36 am

Miss Carlton are we going to do or poster tommorw while we are eating are breackfast cause i just got to draw a couple more soda's and ballon's bye bye got to eat dinner din din time. :)

Ms. Carlton
10/2/2012 11:46:03 am


If you have time after benchmark testing, and after you completed the three activities (reading packet, math packet, and student led conference packet) then you can work on your science fair project.

10/2/2012 12:28:20 pm



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